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Municipal Environmental Governance (MEG) Project – Phase II

Based on the good practices of the first MEG project phase (2016-2021), MEG II paves the way for attracting large-scale infrastructure investments at the local level based on the improved policy and regulatory frameworks and local government’s capabilities to manage the investments sustainably and effectively.
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MEG II Project (2021-2025) is an integral part of a more comprehensive set of reform and investment interventions in Bosnia and Herzegovina guided by the Joint vision for advancing the water supply and wastewater management services reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2028, supported and financed through several different projects by the Government of Switzerland, EU, World Bank, EIB, EBRD, and Government of Sweden.

The second phase of the MEG project will continue to contribute to the democratization of local governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina and more equitable, effective, and efficient public services in local communities for all citizens. Particularly water supply and wastewater management services (water services), as critical factors in protecting human health and the environment – the project will focus on improving water services to become more modern, economical, and citizen-oriented.

The MEG II project seeks to expand the positive experiences and models in local government and water services, which were achieved during in the first phase, on the new partner municipalities. In 30 partner local governments, MEG II will support establishing a performance management system in partner local governments, thus promoting good local governance, effective, inclusive, and gender-responsive public service delivery. Over a million BiH citizens are expected to benefit from improved public services within the project. For more information download the project factsheet.