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Sustainable Economic and Migration Cooperation

Women and men contribute to, and benefit from, economic growth, sustainable prosperity and more decent jobs.

Switzerland’s efforts in BiH encourage a favourable environment for investments and private sector development as well as more decent jobs and income opportunities for women and men. Switzerland advocates for government policies that encourage economic growth and sustainable prosperity.

Alongside these efforts, Switzerland is helping to fight unemployment among young people. It supports selected vocational education and training (VET) schools and the establishment of a formalised dialogue between VET schools, education authorities and companies, to foster market orientation of the technical vocational education and training (TVET) system.

As a transit country for migrants, BiH also faces migration management challenges. It can rely on close cooperation with Switzerland within the Migration Partnership signed in 2009 and facilitated by the SEM, and on Swiss expertise in this area This entails harnessing diaspora know-how and resources as well as reducing hardship for migrants transiting BiH while also strengthening BiH’s capacities to prevent irregular migration and enhancing its border management.