Focus areas
Promoting innovative private sector initiatives to facilitate the creation of decent jobs; preventing disasters and ensuring reconstruction and rehabilitation; strengthening equitable access to quality basic services; promoting good governance and the rule of law and strengthening civil society. The Swiss Cooperation Programme strives to integrate gender equity, good governance, social inclusion as well as climate change and resource efficiency in a transversal manner in all its interventions. The opinions and voices of youth shall be taken into account more prominently through a Youth Advisory Board in an effort to mobilize people to become agents of their own development. Finally, a conflict-sensitive programme management approach will be applied to all interventions.
Switzerland coordinates its work with the authorities of BiH and with other donor countries, multilateral organisations and international financial institutions as well as civil society and private sector partners.We count on their ownership and leadership to achieve lasting reforms and results. The other Swiss state actors engaged in BiH are the FDFA State Secretariat, the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), and the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) via the deployment of a military contingent to the European Union Force in BiH (EUFOR Althea Mission).