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Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET2)

How the Secondary School Center Vogošća inspires green ideas among students

Vocational education and training have become key tools for the preparation of the workforce in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in today's dynamic labour market, where flexible strategies are necessary to meet the requirements of employers. The focus on environmentally sustainable practices, combined with innovation, opens the way to long-term economic stability and the preservation of natural resources and the improvement of the quality of life of citizens.
How the Secondary School Center Vogošća inspires green ideas among students

The Secondary School Centre Vogošća, recognizable for its innovative approaches, invests significant efforts in the development of teaching staff with the aim of strengthening their competencies. By doing so, the school not only improves teaching, but motivates students to turn to the green economy and digital innovation, providing them with tools for future entrepreneurial projects. The school principal, Elvir Sućeska, emphasizes the successful long-term cooperation with GIZ, highlighting the recently conducted training of teachers, the effects of which immediately became visible through the adoption of new knowledge and skills in teaching, and their application in the daily educational process. 

“I would especially like to highlight the training entitled Approach to integrating green skills into curricula, with a focus on waste management. This training was of tremendous importance to our school as it shed further light on how we can turn waste into a valuable resource, creating new value. This is the future not only for education but also for the whole society," said Sućeska. 

One of the results of cooperation with GIZ is the installation of a smart recycling machine and a recycled eco bench at the school entrance. This eco bench, made of 100% recycled plastic, has cleaned up as much as 37.5 kilograms of plastic waste from the environment. The bench is not only long-lasting (with an expected service life of over 30 years), but can also be recycled again. 

"It is very important that we set up such recycling machines in and around schools. When we raise generations to know what recycling means, what ecology means, what it means to separate waste, we have roughly completed that job when we let them know how important it is,“ says Nedžad Turnadžić, director of Eko Grad company. 

The placement of recycling machines promotes recycling and waste reduction. Students actively use the recycling machine, which offers rewards such as free tickets to the Pioneer Valley Zoo, rides on public transport, or donations to the charity.

Success of young entrepreneurs from Vogošća

In addition to environmental initiatives, the Secondary School Centre Vogošća can also boast of the achievements of its students. Students of the fourth grade of the Secondary School of Economics, Adin Jusubašić, Namik Fazlić and Sarah Čardaković, have developed an innovative start-up idea Edutech Desk - a smart bench with a built-in screen, designed in accordance with ergonomic standards to improve the learning experience and protect students' health.

"With this idea, we won at the Young Entrepreneurs Academy among ten schools from the Sarajevo Canton. After that, we signed up for the "Meet the Homeland /orig. U susret domovini/" event, which brought together 300 of the largest entrepreneurs from all over the world. There we presented our start-up idea and again achieved an incredible victory," said Jusubašić. He adds that their idea is in the process of being developed and they plan to go to Switzerland next year to look for investors.

This success is not only a reflection of their efforts and creativity, but also an inspiration for future generations of young entrepreneurs. The dedication and innovation of the students of the SCS Vogošća not only inspires their peers but also the wider community. For next year, Adin Jusubašić points out that they plan to improve the project through a green economy and recycled materials, and help young people become more aware of environmental problems and contribute to nature conservation with their ideas. 

All these initiatives fit perfectly into the broader vision of GIZ, an organisation that implements projects on behalf of the German and Swiss governments and is recognised for its expertise in promoting sustainable economic development. Through continuous cooperation with educational institutions, local communities and the private sector, GIZ enables a return on investment through the creation of durable and sustainable solutions. Their expertise in the development of digital and green transformations of the economy not only brings results in the present, but builds the foundations for the future.

Majda Tolić, Vocational Training and Labour Market Advisor in GIZ, said that the program "Sustainable Economic Development and Employment Promotion" (SEDEP), among other things, is aimed at creating sustainable jobs that contribute to economic stability and the preservation of natural resources for future generations.

"A recent GIZ study showed that waste management was recognized as a key skill for the development of the green economy, which was confirmed by 95% of the surveyed companies. These data clearly indicate the need for continuous education and vocational training, especially the development of green competences, which are necessary in all vocational education professions. Supporting innovation and small businesses, together with investing in green skills, is essential for further economic development and job creation in Bosnia and Herzegovina," concluded Tolić.

The program "Sustainable Economic Development and Employment Promotion" (SEDEP), co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Government of Switzerland, and implemented by GIZ, aims to improve employability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by supporting the digital and green transformation of the economy. Through this program, GIZ successfully shows how much each brand invested in the education of young people is worth, while at the same time supporting the transformation of companies, thus contributing to a more competitive and innovative business environment in the country.