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Local Investment-friendly Environment (LIFE)

Due to the complex business regulatory environment, despite long-term efforts, Bosnia and Herzegovina remains an uncertain and unattractive destination for domestic and foreign investors. Although reforms are being implemented in BiH to create a more favorable climate for economic sector growth, BiH still stands behind countries in the region.
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The initial precondition for starting a business, i.e., registration of companies in BiH, is a business area with significant improvement potential.

At a time of digital service expansion, authorities at all levels need to use modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) to modernize and simplify business, introduce contemporary practices, and improve interaction with the business sector.

The business environment should be more transparent, efficient, predictable, and reliable, with modern G2B digital practices solid foundation for further economic growth.

Business registration in BiH remains under the jurisdiction of the courts, with the participation of state and entity-level government agencies. 

Focus area Sustainable Economic and Migration Cooperation
Status Completed
Implementers United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Partners EU, USAID, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Projects implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina