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Wastewater Collection and Treatment in Gradiška

The Wastewater Collection and Treatment Gradiška (WWGR) Project aims to ensure the sustainable collection and treatment of the municipal wastewater of the City of Gradiška in an environmentally hygienic manner and, at costs affordable for citizens. This is to contribute to the improvement of the hygienic situation of the population and the protection of the environment, specifically drinking water sources and the River Sava in Gradiška and downstream localities. Additionally, the project will strengthen the operational and management capacities of the Public Water Utility related to wastewater collection and treatment, and address the challenges related to the development of skills of the staff of water utilities needed to manage, operate and maintain wastewater treatment facilities.
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Improving wastewater services and quality of water in the river Sava

Only 41% of the population of Bosnia and Herzego- vina (BiH) have access to wastewater services and only 16% of collected wastewater is treated. This is far below the required level to ensure a clean and healthy environment and reach standards as set in the directives of the European Union. Approximately 47% of the urban and sub-urban population of Gradiška is connected to the municipal sewage network, while the local commu- nities surrounding Gradiška are not. The municipal wastewater is being discharged into the River Sava without any treatment. The discharge of untreated wastewater leads to considerable pollution of water in the river and health risks for the population.

Improving skills development and framework conditions in the wastewater sector

The project addresses the key challenges in the wastewater sector in Republika Srpska (RS) through the transfer of know-how from Switzerland, and a policy dialogue to strengthen the frame- work conditions and foster the development of skills needed for a functioning wastewater sector. This will result in tariff reform to cover wastewa- ter treatment costs, solutions for the disposal of sludge from the wastewater treatment plants, and mandatory training for the staff of the Public Wa- ter Utilities. The Aquasan Network in BiH leads the policy dialogue, advises the authorities at entity and municipal levels and further develops its service portfolio for skills development through the cooperation with the Swiss Water Association (VSA).

The citizens in Gradiška and downstream river Sava benefit from the project

The project entails the construction of a wastewater treatment plant, and rehabilitation and extension of the municipal sewage network and main collectors. Additionally, support to the Corporate Development of the Public Water Utility will enable its commercial sustainability. Low scale measures for integrated ur- ban development are planned and the project will positively affect over 100,000 people in Gradiška and downstream settlements.

Large-scale investment for sustainable environment

The Wastewater Gradiška project is being implement- ed from 2019 to 2026, ensuring investments of 15.3 million EUR. The Government of Switzerland will do- nate 4.3 million EUR and German Government will donate 10.3 million EUR through the German De- velopment Bank (KfW). The City of Gradiška will con- tribute 0.7 million EUR. The project is a continuation of the ongoing partnerships of the Swiss Secretariat for Economy (SECO) with KfW and with the Aquasan Network in BiH.