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Water Programme Zenica-Tuzla

The Water Program Zenica -Tuzla aims to improve the living conditions in Zenica and Tuzla by ensuring a reliable and hygienic water supply for the population in both cities at a socially acceptable price. Other than improving physical infrastructure, the programme strengthens the operational and management capacities of the water utilities and in Zenica it includes measures for improvements of the sewerage system as well.
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Although BiH has significant water resources, the whole population still does not have access to reliable and safe water supply and wastewater services. Moreover, wastewater is usually  discharged into surface water bodies. The responsibility for these services is on public utilities companies (PUCs), which are in many cases poorly organized, without necessary funds and under political influence. Water supply and wastewater systems are old and inefficient with high water losses and high energy consumption.

The achievements of the programme will positively impact over 200’000 people in Zenica and Tuzla. More specifically, it will ensure that 17’000 residents are connected as new users to the water supply systems in Zenica and Tuzla, while additional 9’000 residents in Zenica will be connected to the sewerage system.

Reducing water losses is a priority

Tuzla has over 100’000 users connected to the water supply system. The volume of water not generating revenue against the bulk volume of water produced is estimated at 53%. This is primarily because of physical leakages in the infrastructure, and to a smaller degree because of technical losses, unbilled authorized consumption and water theft. The major priorities in Tuzla, as identified by the local government and the PUC, will be reduction of non-revenue water, optimization in operation costs and adequate water supply for all. PUC in Zenica supplies over 70’000 users through the water supply system. The volume of water not generating revenue is estimated at 32%, and the majority is accounted for physical leakage. Most of the pipelines are older than 30 years, causing failures, which require costly and time-consuming repairs.

As for the wastewater system, in Tuzla and Zenica 58% of the residents are connected to the waste- water network.

After floods in May 2014, the programme activities are expended on the measures for repairing damages caused by floods and landslides and measures to reduce risks disasters in both cities. 

Large-scale investment for sustainable revitalization

The Water Program Zenica –Tuzla is being imple- mented from 2011 to 2021, affecting over 200’000 citizens and ensuring investments of 25 million EUR. The Government of Switzerland donates 12.5 million EUR for setting up a reliable and efficient water supply system, post-flood recovery and disaster risk reduction. The German Government donates 1,5 million EUR for the technical support to the programme. In addition to donations, the German Government is providing a 11 million EUR loan through the German Development Bank KfW.

Focus area Local Governance and Municipal Services
Status Completed
Implementers Consortium iC Consulenten, Zavod za Vodoprivredu Sarajevo and Sachsen Wasser
Projects implemented in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cantons Tuzla Canton, Zenica-Doboj Canton
Municipalities/Cities Tuzla, Zenica