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Improving the Integritety of Processes of Establishing Medicine Lists in BiH

The project aims to support healthcare institutions in achieving integrity standards for the transparent process of creating a list of medicines. Also, the project supports patient associations in understanding their rights and strengthening their capacity for public advocacy and participation in the process of creating a drug list.
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The goals of the project are aimed at improving the regulation in the process of creating the drug list, with an emphasis on achieving the highest standards of transparency, openness and inclusion. By strengthening the capacity of participants in decision-making and identifying possible solutions for the optimal allocation of the budget for medicines, the project aims to ensure fairer access to therapies. Also, the project aims to encourage the active participation of patient associations in decision-making, supporting the formulation of common interests and mutual cooperation for the protection of patients' rights. By involving patients in the process of creating a list of medicines, which is based on the principle of transparency, the integrity of the entire process is ensured, which increases the responsibility of decision makers and the public's trust in the credibility of the process.


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Focus area Health
Status Completed
Implementers Net Consulting d.o.o. Sarajevo
Partners Swiss government/SDC, Roche d.o.o. – Roche Ltd, Association of Research-Based Medicine Producers in BiH
Projects implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina