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Support to Health Transition

The project “Support to Health Transition” aims to provide support to all relevant healthcare stakeholders in order to support the sustainable and effective health transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the context of mixed migration. The project focuses on provision of medical assistance to people on the move, procurement of medical equipment and modernization of medical facilities and implementation of capacity building activities for health workers in the local health care system.
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Overall, the project aims to support the process of transition of healthcare services to local actors by strengthening the institutional and organizational capacities of local health institutions in BiH engaged in the provision of healthcare services to people on the move.  
In order to adequately respond to challenges during the transition process, DRC will provide technical and operational capacity building to relevant healthcare institutions on health-seeking behaviour of people on the move, protection mainstreaming into health care, cultural mediation and sensitisation, screening and referral of most vulnerable PoCs while ensuring continuity and quality access to basic and emergency medical care in selected temporary reception centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

