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Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021-2024

Let's talk results!

Have a look at the infographic showing the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021-2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, achieved in 2023. 
Let's talk results!

Building on Switzerland’s long-term presence in the country and earlier achievements, the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021–24 (PDF, 21 Pages, 1.7 MB) focuses on three thematic areas:

  • Economic Development and Employment,
  • Health, and
  • Local Governance and Municipal Services.


Switzerland has relevant expertise in all three areas and we are confident that we can make an effective contribution to the further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We count on the ownership and leadership of our partners to achieve lasting reforms and results. 



Our gratitude goes to the people in Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina who made this all possible. We embarked on this journey together and made a tremendous amount of impact. 



We look forward to continuing this journey with you and building a better tomorrow for new generations.



Find out what we have achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023.